Tuesday, March 31, 2009

New to blogging...Adalyn's Blessing

Okay...so where do I even begin. This is my first time attempting to blog. I figure you have start somewhere, right? Well...we'll start with the most recent excitement at our house which was our dear Adalyn's blessing. It was this past Sunday and I have to tell you...it was a fun day!
First of all, my husband did an exceptional job. There were so many wonderful things he said to her. I was most surprised by the idea of her serving a mission. Now that I think of it, I would love to have her share the testimony she will gain over the course of her early years with others. She has already been such a strong spirit thus far.
We had many friends and family with us to celebrate. I appreciate them for joining us.
We also know there were a few people we love dearly who weren't able to be here. That being my sister and best friend, Amy and my mother and her husband, Joe. We love you all, too. We know you were there in spirit!
P.S. A big thanks to Angie for the gorgeous photo of Adalyn. She is an amazing photographer. Thank you, girl!